Byte “Meetup” 2019
Since the release of the Byte Beta in September of 2019, the community has been growing and thriving each day. Content Creators from all across the world have come together on the app; connecting and collaborating to express their creativity. I have been fortunate enough to be a part of this ever-growing community, and decided to use the platform to the best of it’s ability.
Byters have shared knowledge, interests, and an ultimate passion for creativity. With this community being so diverse, yet focused on one goal, I decided to take advantage of the opportunity, and plan an event to promote collaboration.
After getting to know each other through our various social media platforms, I organized a group facetime call for those willing and able to join. The call consisted of twenty byters from the US, the UK, Spain, and Australia. I created an agenda for the call; allowing time for virtual meet&greet and comments, and then continued with planning collaborations, potential in-person meet-ups, and the future of the app. I built in time to discuss our personal lives, and how we could all learn from one another on our social media platforms. One byter gave me some advice on my instagram rebrand, and another sent a link to different job opportunities.
This conference call allowed multiple opportunities to network, connect, and grow within our platform, and outside as well. I was able to link up with someone nearby, and collaborate in person. I was also able to talk about different ideas, and bring them to life with a different perspective.
Collaboration is so incredibly important, and learning from those around you is equally beneficial and necessary.